Advertisement projects

In my advertising class in Spring 2017 semester, we were teamed up with four companies Sprint, Wise wear, Edwin, the Duck, and Lace n Lock to create advertisements to reach their specific needs. To see specific ads below, just click on an ad to view in a new tab.

Sprint: The Marketing Director of Sprints Pittsburgh Office came to us with the task to create an advertisement for the billboard on Mt. Washington in Pittsburgh, Pa. Her only wish was to incorporate Pittsburgh qualities in the ads. For all three of my advertisements, I chose to use the Pittsburghese language because it is a big part of the Pittsburgh culture. Ad #1 I took Pauls well-known quote, ” Can you hear me now?” and switched it to how Pittsburgh natives speak. “Can yinz guys hear me nah?” If you look at Pauls shirt I also added the 412 symbol on his shirt to show he truly is part of the Pittsburgh community. Ad #2 I used the famous Pittsburgh sandwich because it is the favorite sandwich and tying it in with sprint being the favorite network. Ad #3 is simple using the famous “412” Pittsburgh area code. It is mostly seen on shirts, but the community says they’re from the 412 when being asked.

Wise Wear: Their CEO reached out to us for advertisement ideas for their social media sites. For my inspiration, I did research on jewelry ads and diamond ads. Since the product is a high-end fit bit style, I wanted to target to more of the high-end users. Ad #1 I went with the engagement theme to show that wise wear is just as important and meaningful as an engagement ring. If you give your girl a wise wear bracelet she will love it just as much as a ring. Ad #2 I used a diamond glare background to show how luxurious the product is. “Do you want to be a follower or a leader? Your choice.” I went with this saying because the product is similar to fit bit, and you see a lot of people with a fit bit, but wise wear is more fashionable. Ad #3 I used the same 3 bracelets with a black background for simplicity. I went with this because when conducting research on jewelry ads I noticed the simple the better shows how luxurious the product is.

Edwin the Duck: The CEO asked us to create ads for their current product Edwin the Duck. Edwin is a children’s toy that is used as a night light, Bluetooth speaker, and a friend. This duck is not an ordinary duck; it also comes with an app. Children can play games with Edwin, listen to music, and play with him in the tub. Edwin is extending its line with an Edwin for baby. The new duck will be smaller for babies, and now we were tasked to create ads for the new baby product. Ad #1 I used a picture online, which the company will not use if my ad is chosen. They will recreate the picture with their own models. I used this picture to show that babies always steal their older siblings toys, but now their is a solution. The baby can finally have their own duck that is the perfect size for their hands. Ad #2 is a simple introduction advertisement for baby Eddie Jr. Students were allowed to create a name for the new baby duck because there is no set name for the product yet. I chose Eddie jr.

Lace N Lock: Lace n lock is a new local Erie company. The product helps you tighten your shoes without having to bend over to tie them. It is for people who had hip surgery or any type of surgery where it limits you to bend over, and also women who are pregnant. Ad #1 is simple showing shoe laces and the word lock with a lock hanging from the O. ” A new way to tie your shoes” I also incorporated the products logo for people interested in the product who want to do more research. Ad #2 I got inspiration from an advertisement I came across online for yogurt after searching lock ads. This is more creative using the top of a lock and half of a shoe. Giving my views the opportunity to use their imagination.