The Pitch- Advertising Competition

The Pitch is held by Pittsburgh Advertising Federation for College students interested in Marketing and Advertising Careers. It is a 2 part competition, where you are assigned to an ad agency in Pittsburgh and spend one day with other college students from the different university and work with a nonprofit company. The first part of the competition takes place in six different ad agencies that include, Marc USA, Chemistry, Brunner, Smith Brothers, Gatesman, and Garrison Hughes. I was placed at Chemistry Ad agency. The second round will be narrowed down to two teams to continue their work on the project and to present to the company we worked with which was Outreach Teen and Family Services.

I gained valuable insights into the advertising world by working with the top advertising agencies in Pittsburgh. It was a great experience to use my creative skills, and my knowledge I’ve gained the past 4 years of college in a real-world setting to help an organization grow.

I worked in a group with 10 other college students to create a campaign for Outreach Teen and Family Services. Our idea was to target concerned parents, and children suffering as well. To target elementary and middle school students as a group we decided to hold a school event carnival with games and t-shirts for the kids to decorate. We also had folders with information and brochures for the children to take home to their parents.

For High school, and College students we decided to conduct a 5K run, that we would provide t-shirts and water bottles at the event.

Our message for the campaign was, “Unbottle Mental Health”. This will be shown on our water bottles and T-shirt that will be given to participants.

We also focused on their social media, Showing examples of what they should post on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.

Below are the examples of the logo, and products we made. I do not take all credit for the design. This was a team project.